I've always been someone who thrived on schedules and routines. After having our baby girl and becoming a stay-at-home mom, finding my new groove was challenging. Our baby wasn’t a robot, so adhering to a strict daily schedule was impossible. Every time I settled into a routine, something would change, and we would have to start over. However, over time, I found my rhythm, and it has made all the difference. Now, I face my days at home with confidence and excitement, rather than anxiety and feeling overwhelmed.
A schedule refers to tasks that take place at specific times. A routine is a series of events repeated in the same order each time, usually at a certain time of day. Getting out of a "routine" mindset and falling into a daily "rhythm" saved me because a rhythm allows for flexibility. It is simply a framework of the day that leaves room for spontaneity. An additional benefit of a rhythm is that it easily adapts and evolves when changes happen. You may even come up with a simple enough rhythm that it doesn’t require constant adjustments as your baby grows and changes.
I set up my days in both daily and weekly rhythms. My daily outline looks like this: wake up with the baby, breakfast and coffee, playtime. Then she takes her nap, and I get some work done. After that, we eat lunch, do chores, and get out of the house. Lastly, it’s time for dinner and bed. My weekly rhythm consists of seeing a couple of friends at least once a week, visiting our favorite local coffee shop, chores, and errands. I don’t choose specific days for certain household chores or errands. Having a framework for my days and weeks provides a sense of plan and purpose. Without that, I would feel so overwhelmed waking up each morning, having no idea what I was going to do with my toddler all day!
In conclusion, I hope this encourages you to find your rhythm, momma. It will be beneficial, especially if you are not one to adhere to a strict schedule. Having a simple outline of your day will bring great relief, and you won’t have to constantly decide what to do in the moment. Embrace the flexibility and find joy in the rhythm of your days.